Hey you guys, it's Beck! While our regular site is down, we'll be using our Blog Spot account. Sad.. but no worries, we'll be back up and running.. up to speed and ready to go before anymore exciting news happens. For this post however.. It couldn't wait! I'm excited! It's very rare that I see something on line especially crafting challenges that make me ooohh... ahhhh... I wonder if I could do that. Most of them are the same ol' same ol' Shabby Chic this... Grunge that... Vintage Vintage Vintage... Don't get me wrong. I love those styles. But every once in awhile I'd love to reinvent my crafty wheel. I foudn a sit that does just that. Culture Shock Challenge. This website is devoted to crafting POP culture. No longer to I have to dig threw the annals of history to find inspiration! No longer am I constrained to inks and stamps and lace and paper... Free at last! Free at last! LOL, okay so that's a little over board on the dramatics... But seriously. Pop Culture in crafting? I had to give this a try. So I hopped on over to their blog and checked out this weeks challenge. Madonna! Oooh... ahhh... I wonder if I could do that? I sat down and began to think of things that inspire me about Madonna. One, as an artist she is forever reinventing herself. From the ultra pop sound of Lucky Star in the 80's to techno vibes of Frozen, Actress, Fashion Designer, oh yeah... and she's written some children books. How can you possibly argue that the woman doesn't at least try something new each time she has a project? With my crafting, I vow to be a Madonna. Constantly reinventing.. never becoming stale or stuck in a genre rut! There I go again with the over dramatics! At any rate.. that's a great vow and all but what the world can I do for this challenge? That required a bit more thinking on my part. When was the first time Madonna inspired me? Ah HA moment! Material Girl! I saw her as a glamour queen dressed in her pink satin, draped in diamonds and fur, and the center of attention. And then she went and flipped the script to become a normal girl who gets into a beat up pick up truck at the end... Really? Can a girl be two things at one time? Can she be the super star and the ordinary? Yes she can! That's when the project hit me like a ton of bricks. I've got to recreate the dress! Since I can't sew... what to do? Dress form (or in my case a perfume bottle in the shape of a dress form... I have that. Material? Let's go threw my daughter's clothes... She has a pretty pinkish skirt she can't wear anymore. Hot Glue gun and my memory to inspire me and we have a project!
So there it is people. The ultimate fantasy of mine... to be the glamour queen Madonna portrayed and still allow myself to be just Beck. To constantly find inspiration in things and people that inspire me and craft using them. Culture shock brought to life that idea for me... what will inspire you?
Check out their site, get involved with a challenge or four... and have a blast crafting.
Also visit us on You Tube!
Until the next... Beck
I LOVE it! Wow how creative are you?! I have the perfect perfume bottle to do that to myself, couldn't bring myself to toss it out. Thanks for joining Culture Shock this week!
ReplyDeleteThis is great! Just don't mention to the daughter where the material came from.. Thanks so much for joining us!
ReplyDeleteI love how outside of the box this is!! Great job!! Thanks for playing with us at Culture Shock!
ReplyDeleteAWESOME Project and idea and thanks for playing along this week at Culture Shock! Super write up!
ReplyDeleteWay to go "Material" girl!! Such an awesome and inspiring project!! Hope to see you again soon at Culture Shock!! :)